Continuous integration with phpUnderControl

October 3, 2008

Lately, I started to use phpUnderControl to monitor my application under development. Since your favourite colleagues can be bitches, you can try to monitor not only your application but also your fellow developers.

Utilities like PHPCodeSniffer, PHPUnit (code coverage features)… can easily provide you with reasons to bitchslap one-another. Using non-standard-like variable names: 1 bitchslap, using non-standard-classnames: 2 bitchslaps, etc.

Seriously, you should check ik out. You can, for example, setup a project to be build after every SVN commit. A build can consist of running all tests, creating code coverage reports, generating API-documentation, …

phpUnderControl parses the generated reports and displays them to you nicely. Like so:

Automated integration metrics

Automated integration metrics

Permission to say: “Fuck Yeah”!. Granted.

Apart from the above metrics, you can generate a list giving you a code test coverage report. (example for some models):

Code test coverage

Code test coverage

I know, I still have some work to do. Enough reasons to start testing your applications, have some monitoring fun AND reasons for some bitchslap-galore?!?

One Response to “Continuous integration with phpUnderControl”

  1. gammet Says:

    How many bitch-slaps for typo’s? ;-)
    Pretty physical environment your workplace.

    Interesting features indeed. Wish I could use such tool. Alas.

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